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Journey into Minimalism

As a designer I’m constantly in search of fresh ideas, clean creative in marketing and advertising…and in my own life, a sense of order and balance. Although not a new movement, I’ve started to take hold and capture the vision of bloggers and articles on living a more simple life, the art of minimalism.

Minimalism in Design

As a student in my early design career, I learned that eventually I will develop my own style and creative process. This didn’t come naturally, although it seems it should have. Because of my vast interests within the broad scope of design in multiple markets and disciplines, it was hard for me to refine and focus on becoming an expert in one area. Instead, I adapted the way I think in terms of visual aesthetics and how it applies to each of my projects in order to understand my own sense of style.

Enter minimal graphics. Clean lines, selective colors, a focus on beautiful, bold imagery and elegant, classic typography. These were the principles I sought out after within my own work, and I continually do today. I used to start out with overthought, cluttered ideas with big blocks of color and thick strokes and confused compositions. After many critiques and reviews I realized over time, stripping away of the unnecessary clutter in my compositions can lead to clarity in design.

Declutter your life, declutter your mind

Since moving into my first studio apartment I’ve realized I’ve become quite the neat freak, always organizing and making sure things are arranged just so. One of the biggest elements of the minimalist home is having too much “stuff” that takes up your time, and thus your mind. I’ve grown to love the feeling of purging. Getting rid of items that I never really use, or are taking up space in my closet. Removing the excess and appreciating a bright, clear and fresh take on your living style.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure

Sometimes it definitely is hard to rid of clothes that I think I will wear one day, or have an attachment too. It’s all about the mindset, here! Reminding yourself that you only want to be surrounded by purposeful things you absolutely enjoy having and attending to. Additionally, collecting a bunch of things you want to part with, gives you the opportunity to donate things that will better suit someone else!

Keep the essentials, the items that add value to your life, purge the rest!

Check this out

Want to learn more about living a more meaningful life with less? Improve relationships and gain more valuable experiences? Definitely check out The Minimalists Podcast. Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus provide fresh and funny commentary about what it means to begin a journey into the minimalist lifestyle.

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